Beta Glucans

Beta glucans are a type of dietary fiber found in abundance within the cell walls of mushrooms. They are known for their immunity activating function, which elevates the body’s ability to protect itself.
Also effective at preventing and alleviating allergies. A powerful immunity-strengthening component.
Beta glucans are dietary fiber that works directly on intestinal immune cells. They contain various functions, such as the promotion of interferon creation, a protein that protects the body in many ways, and the support of organs that administer the immune system. For this reason, it is said that the immune system is boosted comprehensively through their intake. In addition, beta glucans also provide allergy relief and prevention, making them a recommended nutrient for people suffering from allergic conditions, such as hay fever.
For Beta Glucans, Look to Mushrooms!
There are not many foods that contain beta glucans. They can be obtained mainly from mushrooms, barley, and oats. Among those, mushrooms feature a particularly high level, so it’s no exaggeration when we say “for beta glucans, look to mushrooms!” The amounts of beta glucans found per 100 g of raw mushroom include 2.3 g (maitake), 2.0 g (bunapi), 1.9 g (eryngii), 1.8 g (bunashimeji) and 1.5 g (shimofuri hiratake) (Hokuto data). A lack of beta glucans does not cause any issues, however immunity strength can be raised through their intake.
Beta glucans work directly on the intestine, therefore the consumption of mushrooms is recommended when fasting.