
Mushrooms are abundant in minerals such as magnesium and phosphorus, which work together with calcium to build bones and teeth, and zinc, which stimulates physical growth. Potassium, the most abundant of all, has the effect of prompting the emission of excess sodium (salt), decreasing blood pressure, making it the savior of present-day Japanese’s undisciplined eating habits (high salt consumption). If taken properly, it also has the pleasant effect of helping to reduce swelling. Potassium dissolves easily in water, and in hot summers in particular, large amounts are lost through sweat. Thus, frequent intake should be aimed for.
Effective for Reducing Swelling
Swelling is caused by the stockpiling of water in order to lower high sodium (the main constituent of salt) concentration within the body. In order to prevent swelling, excess sodium and water within the body must be expelled. Potassium, found in abundance within mushrooms, shoulders that duty. Furthermore, a lack of potassium causes various negative effects, such as tiring easily, feeling lethargic, and the slowing of internal organ activity, resulting in constipation. So please be proactive regarding your potassium intake.
Replenish Potassium Deficiency with Mushrooms
Potassium that has been absorbed within in our bodies is expelled in order to maintain a constant concentration. Furthermore, potassium is lost during food preparation and manufacturing, and is also expelled through urine and sweat, as it dissolves easily in water. For these reasons, modern-day people tend to have potassium deficiencies. Also, Japanese tend to consume too much salt, so we should aim to eat lots of mushrooms as a great way to get plenty of potassium.
Potassium Recommended Daily Intake
Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese (2015)

Mushrooms’ potassium content
Mushrooms: Hokuto data
Other foods: Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan - 2015 (Seventh Revised