Mushroom General Research Institute

Research Institute Outline

To deliver mushrooms’ full deliciousness and healthiness to dinner tables,
Hokuto has a Mushroom General Research Institute.

The five basic policies set forth by the general research institute

Aiming to contribute to diets that emphasize health-consciousness,
Hokuto undertakes clearly-defined development activities in line with the five basic policies below.

  • Development of high quality, practical breeds
    Development of high quality, practical breeds
  • Demonstration of mushrooms’ health efficacy
    Demonstration of mushrooms’ health efficacy
  • Development of advanced cultivation techniques and new mushroom manufacturing systems
    Development of advanced cultivation techniques and new mushroom manufacturing systems
  • Steady production of superior strains
    Steady production of superior strains
  • Quality assurance in relation to product safety and peace of mind
    Quality assurance in relation to product safety and peace of mind

Development of cultivation techniques for new mushroom breeds

The research and development of mushrooms forms a core branch of Hokuto’s business. Since its establishment in 1983, the Mushroom General Research Institute has performed comprehensive mushroom-related research, such as the development of new breeds and new cultivation materials and techniques, utilizing biotechnology. In 1986, Hokuto became the first in the world to develop pure white enokitake.
Thereafter Hokuto has continued to deliver results in great numbers, such as the development of low-bitterness bunashimeji and the enabling of large quantity, stable eryngii production. Even after the commencement of new breed distribution, the pursuit of breeds with improved flavor and superior color and shape never ends. Thus, many breeds born from our untiring spirit of study are registered with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and we continue to acquire intellectual property rights such as patents for our newly developed techniques.

Development of cultivation techniques for new mushroom breeds

Pursuing mushrooms’ medicinal effects and functionality, with “health” as the keyword

At the Mushroom General Research Institute we are working to scientifically clarify mushrooms’ medicinal effects, carrying out research helpful for health maintenance and promotion. So far we have confirmed several bioactive functions, such as eryngii’s preventative effect against liver disorders, bunapi’s function of controlling arteriosclerosis, and maitake’s anti-allergy effect. Research into agaricus’ function as a cancer inhibitor is also progressing.


Mushroom Biotechnology

Gene-recombination is not performed during Hokuto’s mushroom breed development. We use traditional crossbreeding methods to develop superior new breeds. The search for superior parent strains to be used as genetic resources is particularly important, thus mushroom exploration is conducted throughout Japan. Superior new breeds are produced as a result of extensive cultivation experiments based on mushrooms gathered from the wild.

Research & Development Structure

Research & Development Structure Research & Development Structure